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      • 2023 Winter Symposium Synopsis
      • VPN是什么服务? - · VPN VPN VPN 阅读: 985 0 1 条回答 举报 时间: 2021-11-22 16:57:57 邀请专家来回答 按照提问标签查找专家 ... 专家姓名 换一批 关闭邀请 您需要登录后才能回答问题 点此登录 我爱霸王龙 翻墙软件 0 举报 回答时间:2021-11-23 13:08 ...
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        • 2018 Winter Symposium Business Practice & Advocacy Webcasts
        • 2018 Winter Symposium Highlights
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          • 2017 Winter Symposium Pre-Meeting Webcasts
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          • 2016 Business Practice/Legislative Seminar Webcasts
          • 2016 Winter Symposium Pre-Meeting Webcasts
        • 2015 Winter Symposium Webcasts
          • 2015 Business Practice/Legislative Seminar
          • 2015 Winter Symposium ATP Session
          • 2015 Winter Symposium Pre-Meeting Webcasts
        • 2014 Winter Symposium Webcasts
          • 2014 Winter Symposium Webcasts: Pre-Meeting
          • 2014 Winter Symposium Webcasts: Legislative Update and Advocacy Symposium
          • 2014 Winter Symposium Webcasts
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      • 2023 Co-located LDN and Comprehensive DCD Workshops Highlights
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      • 2018 Leadership Development Program Highlights
      • 2016 Leadership Development Program Highlights
      • Steam加速工具公布:一键告别101/103 - · 这段时间,Steam的101、103问题很恼人,之前曾有Steamcn论坛“羽翼城”发布过一款专修工具,用伍解决该问题。现在Steamcn论坛用户jsq2627也发布了一款“Steam网页加速器”。这款“Steam网页加速器”使用更加便捷,一键开关。
    • Surgical Fellows Symposium
      • 江苏一网吧为吸引学生上网 安装翻墙软件被查处__中国青年网:2021-12-9 · 嫌生意清淡,淮安盱眙的一家网吧老板打起了周边学校学生的注意,为了招揽学生上网消费,他在电脑上安装了一款翻墙软件:可伍让学生不刷身伇 ...
      • 12th Annual Surgical Fellows Symposium Highlights
      • 11th Annual Surgical Fellows Symposium Highlights
    • Kidney and Liver Transplant Financial Bootcamps
      • 2023 Co-located Financial Bootcamps Highlights
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      • 2017 ALDP Highlights
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    • 工信部回应国庆期间加强VPN管控:合法使用受法律保护 ...:2021-9-20 · 新京报快讯(记者 许雯)针对VPN使用问题,工信部新闻发言人闻库今日(9月20日)在国新办发布会上表示,外贸伋业、跨国公司因自己办公的需要 ...
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        • 手机怎么挂npv
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    • American Journal of Transplantation
      • 2023 AJT Award Recipients
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      • Interview with the Editor-in-Chief: AJT
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    • Clinical Transplantation
      • Interview with the Editor-in-Chief: Clinical Transplantation
    • ATP Resources
      • Sherilyn Gordon Memorial Travel Award
      • ATP Certificate of Educational Achievement
      • ATP Award
    • ASTS Surveys
    • Transplant Surgeon Compensation Survey
    • ASTS Recognition Awards
      • 《绝地求生》吃鸡卡顿怎么办 国服最新免费加速器分享-社会 ...:2021-3-31 · 关于加速器的选择-大家还是多下几个加速器试用下,或者自己搭建一个VPN,我现在就是用的自己搭建的VPN几个朋友用,不看视频只玩游戏3M完全不卡 ...
      • Francis Moore Excellence in Mentorship
      • ASTS Vanguard Prize
      • ASTS Advanced Transplant Provider Award
      • Rising Stars in Transplantation Surgery
      • ASTS Pioneer Award Recipient
      • 社评:防火墙带给中国互联网哪些影响 - · VPN指的是伋理服务器,也就是网民俗称的“翻墙软件 ”,而它要翻的那个墙就是“防火墙”。防火墙是中国实现互联网管理一整套技术系统的民间叫法,官方在正式场合从不这么叫它。防火墙并非是把中国互联网同境外互联网隔开,而是对境外 ...
    • Peer Support Program
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      • 宝马广告讽刺中国人了解世界要“翻墙”-伋业-财经频道-中工网:2021-8-14 · 中工网(记者 李行)就在北京准备纪念“中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年”盛典之时,北京街头出现了宝马公司子品牌MINI这样一则户外广告:“了解世界的两种方式,翻墙或者MINI”。
      • Vanguard Committee
      • VCA Committee
      • Committee Roundup
    • CenterSpan
      • User Guide
      • 脸书“有偿追踪”手机用户 苹果指其违反合作协议_中国江苏网:2021-2-1 · 美国一家技术类信息网站1月29日晚曝光社交媒体伋业脸书公司一个隐秘项目:伍每月大约20美元的报酬诱惑手机用户安装“脸书研究”应用程序(app ...
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    • COVID-19 Resources
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        • ASTS COVID-19 Strike Force Initial Guidance
        • ASTS COVID-19 Strike Force Organ Retrieval Guidance
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        • Transplant Capacity and Testing
        • 男子私自搭建VPN服务器非法获利50余万元,被判刑5年半 ...:2021-12-21 · 之后犯罪嫌疑人吴向洋利用“淘宝网”开设网店伍及在互联网开设“凡狗VPN”网站等方式向一般用户出租或销售VPN软件、VPN路由器硬件,交易数千次 ...
    • Mock Medicare Survey Program
    • Transplant Surgeon Compensation Survey
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    • QPP (MACRA) Primer for Transplant Surgeons
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      • Profiles
        • J. Wesley Alexander, MD
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        • Clive O. Callender, MD
        • James Cerilli, MD
        • A. Benedict Cosimi, MD
        • 手机vpn加速软件
        • Ronald M. Ferguson, MD, PhD
        • 迅游科技:网络加速服务领先伋业 增持评级_中证网:2021-9-5 · 18-07-06 18:59 迅游科技上半年业绩预增224.78%-244.27% 18-07-06 18:02 迅游科技上半年业绩预增224.78%-244.27% 18-06-05 09:22 迅游科技:增补鲁锦为董事 18-05-28 11:09 ...
        • 手机vpn加速软件
        • Robert S.D. Higgins, MD
        • Richard J. Howard, MD, PhD
        • H Keith Johnson, MD and Robert Richie, MD
        • Barry Kahan, MD, PhD
        • Goran B Klintmalm, MD, PhD
        • H.M. Lee, MD
        • Jimmy Light, MD
        • Stanley Mandel, MD
        • Robert McCabe, MD
        • Robert Mendez, MD
        • Robert M Merion, MD
        • Frederick Merkel, MD
        • Joshua Miller, MD
        • Anthony Monaco, MD
        • John Najarian, MD
        • William "Bill" Pfaff, MD
        • Gene A. Pierce
        • Lloyd E Ratner, MD
        • John Sadler, MD
        • Oscar Salvatierra, MD
        • Eduardo A. Santiago-Delpin, MD, MS
        • Richard Simmons, MD
        • Hans W. Sollinger, MD, PhD
        • Thomas Earl Starzl, MD, PhD
        • Sylvester Sterioff, MD
        • David E R Sutherland, MD, PhD
        • Paul Terasaki, PhD
        • Nicholas L. Tilney, MD
        • Jeremiah Turcotte, MD
        • G. Melville Williams, MD
        • Charles Zukoski, MD
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      • 2023 Research Grant Synopses
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    • ASTS Recognition Awards Recipients
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    Save the dates for our first Virtual Advocacy Days, Sept. 22-23
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    ASTS' COVID Strike Force has developed guidance for transplant centers
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    Submit your nomination by August 3, 2023
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    Start the application today!
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    Invest in the future of transplantation today


The American Journal of Transplantation (AJT) is the official journal of the ASTS and AST and provides high quality content on a wide range of transplant related topics.

Learn More


The ASTS Academic Universe houses the National Transplant Surgery Curriculum and activities for Continuing Medical Education.



#ASTSwinter Goes Virtual

Jul 31, 2023

To disseminate the latest science in transplantation surgery while safeguarding the health and safety of attendees, we have decided to hold the 21st Annual State of the Art Winter Symposium virtually.

July ASTS President's Message

Jul 29, 2023

In light of the events in recent months that have illuminated the plight of Black Americans, I continue to reflect on the role we must play in confronting racism and the devastating consequences of this persistent evil.

ASTS: Boldly Against Racism

Jul 28, 2023

Racism is morally wrong, inhuman, and unjust. In recent times we have all witnessed and lived through events that continue to illustrate that racism is an integral part of our society.

CDC Updates 2013 Guideline for Assessing Organ Donors for HIV, HBV and HCV to Address ASTS Concerns

Jun 30, 2023

On June 26, 2023, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released a report entitled, “Assessing Solid Organ Donors and Monitoring Transplant Recipients for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis B Virus, and Hepatitis C Virus Infection — U.S. Public Health Service Guideline, 2023”.

View All News


Featured Event:


ASTS Peer Support Webinar

Join us on August 12 at 3 p.m. Eastern to learn about the new ASTS Peer Support service and how you and your center can benefit.


Featured Education:

  • 12
    ASTS Peer Support Webinar


  • 22


  • 14
    ASTS 21st Annual State of the Art Winter Symposium


See More


The Chimera is the official ASTS news magazine and was originally developed in 1989 to provide the membership with relevant news concerning the Society and the field of transplantation.


Research Grants

ASTS has a long history of supporting research efforts. The Society sponsors annual grants available to investigators at all stages of professional training and accomplishment.


Career Center

The American Society of Transplant Surgeons provides the transplant field's best resource for connecting transplant centers with top talent.


Patient Resources

The American Society of Transplant Surgeons supports patient education in transplantation through committee work, educational videos, and links to other respected organizations and their resources.

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